By and large, 2020 has been a year of unprecedented agility and evolution. We saw many of the existing digital transformation initiatives getting pushed into over-drive by efforts to pivot and adapt operations in the wake of COVID-19. And nowhere is this truer than in the realm of asset management, where companies were forced to adapt to remote environments, increase safety protocols, maintain compliance to strict distancing regulations, and more.
The pandemic has changed the asset management sector in many ways. From a technological standpoint, asset managers are now increasingly leveraging alternate data to drive their investment research processes. Asset managers are also using artificial intelligence, machine learning, and natural language processing (NLP) to create information advantages. AI allows computer systems to simulate human intelligence while performing certain tasks and processes. Hedge fund companies, for example, are increasingly leveraging AI into their stock trading operations and trading strategies. Operationally, the efficiencies represented by innovations such as chatbots, virtual assistants, and other automated processes may portend a similar change in asset management.
For asset management firms, the rise of regtech platforms is simplifying tasks like background checks, anti-money laundering (AML) efforts, and managing compliance with data security and privacy laws. This, in turn, is resulting in lower costs and enhanced productivity.
At this juncture, many asset management solution providers are entering the domain with advanced and integrated offerings. To help the asset management sector strengthen its operational capabilities and simultaneously enable growth in the industry, Utilities Tech Outlook has compiled a list of the asset management solution providers. The list comprises prominent organizations in the industry that address issues pertinent to the asset management sector by implementing current trends. Besides, the magazine also includes insights from thought leaders in the sector on the industry trends, best practices, recent innovations, and their advice for aspiring CIOs.
We present to you Utilities Tech Outlook’s, “Top 10 Asset Management Solution Providers –2021.”